How to configure diyHue to look for deconz on an alternate port?

I’ve added a raspbee to a raspberry pi which is already running homebridge and another service on ports 8080 and 8081. I configured deconz to listen on port 8082. When I go to the deconz tab in diyhue while my deconz instance is open to connect applications, it doesn’t seem to do anything. I saw something suggesting that diyhue only looks for deconz on port 8080.

How can I change that to look for deconz on port 8082 instead?

I already respond to you in private, but maybe others will find this thread and want to know the answer.

  1. stop the hue-emulator service in order to not override your changes
  2. open /opt/hue-emulator/config.json file with eny editor and search for 8080. if you find this value under websocketport key then replace it with the new desired port.
  3. start again the hue-emulator service

Don’t you also have to modify the systemd script that starts Deconz at boot? The install instructions say to run:
sed -i 's/ --http-port=80$/ --http-port=8080 --ws-port=8081 --upnp=0/' /lib/systemd/system/deconz.service

So, to change that to port 8000, wouldn’t that have to change to:

sed -i 's/ --http-port=80$/ --http-port=8000 --ws-port=8081 --upnp=0/' /lib/systemd/system/deconz.service

any chance we can change/specify the ip/docker name in the config.json as well?

currently I only find the following code for deconz:

    "deconz": {
        "enabled": false,
        "lights": {},
        "port": 8080,
        "sensors": {}

Im running diyhue on the same machine, different docker container but same bridge network.

You can set these as arguments (env variables for docker).

usage: [-h] [--ip IP] [--http-port HTTP_PORT] [--mac MAC]
                       [--no-serve-https] [--debug] [--docker]
                       [--ip-range IP_RANGE] [--scan-on-host-ip]
                       [--deconz DECONZ] [--no-link-button]
                       [--disable-online-discover DISABLE_ONLINE_DISCOVER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --ip IP               The IP address of the host system
  --http-port HTTP_PORT
                        The port to listen on for HTTP
  --mac MAC             The MAC address of the host system
  --no-serve-https      Don't listen on port 443 with SSL
  --debug               Enables debug output
  --docker              Enables setup for use in docker container
  --ip-range IP_RANGE   Set IP range for light discovery. Format:
  --scan-on-host-ip     Scan the local IP address when discovering new lights
  --deconz DECONZ       Provide the IP address of your Deconz host.
                        by default.
  --no-link-button      DANGEROUS! Don't require the link button to be pressed
                        to pair the Hue app, just allow any app to connect
  --disable-online-discover DISABLE_ONLINE_DISCOVER
                        Disable Online and Remote API functions
usage: [-h] [--ip IP] [--http-port HTTP_PORT] [--mac MAC]
                       [--no-serve-https] [--debug] [--docker]
                       [--ip-range IP_RANGE] [--scan-on-host-ip]
                       [--deconz DECONZ] [--no-link-button]
                       [--disable-online-discover DISABLE_ONLINE_DISCOVER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --ip IP               The IP address of the host system
  --http-port HTTP_PORT
                        The port to listen on for HTTP
  --mac MAC             The MAC address of the host system
  --no-serve-https      Don't listen on port 443 with SSL
  --debug               Enables debug output
  --docker              Enables setup for use in docker container
  --ip-range IP_RANGE   Set IP range for light discovery. Format:
  --scan-on-host-ip     Scan the local IP address when discovering new lights
  --deconz DECONZ       Provide the IP address of your Deconz host.
                        by default.
  --no-link-button      DANGEROUS! Don't require the link button to be pressed
                        to pair the Hue app, just allow any app to connect
  --disable-online-discover DISABLE_ONLINE_DISCOVER
                        Disable Online and Remote API functions