Hi all,
I am pretty new to diyhue. I’ve set it up as a Home Assistant addon (GitHub - diyhue/hassio-addon). Most things work fine so far and I see my Home Assistant lights and switched being listed on the diyhue management website.
But I would like to integrate my existing motion sensors into diyhue as well. Within Home Assistant those are called binary_sensor
. Is it possible to integrate them?
Thanks a lot for your help
Hi, we are working on this. It is part of a big change so it will take some time for it to finish.
That’s great to hear! Is there a tracking bug? And maybe a dev version to give it a try already?
Yes on the main repo there is a dev branch where this is developing. Im also working on making the dev available on HA, if you switch to dev you need to remove the master branch config files otherwise you get errors, also if you switch back to master you need to remove the dev config. I will notify you if the HA is avaliable for dev and how to do this.
Cool. Thanks a lot for all the info and keeping me updated!
see the Installation section for more info.
please let me know if this works, i did not yet test it.
Just gave it a try and it works. Let me know if providing any logs would be helpful. So far I see e.g. my motion sensor appearing in the logs (among with many other HA entities) but not as a device or similar in diyhue.
Yes if you can share the config_debug.tar from the webui>diyhue >bridge >bridge control >download debug >full debug then we have the config and logs
How can I share the debug output best with you? I don’t want to post it here.
Besides that I share some of the log output that I see HA addon logs section, but I shortened it. It contains all HA entities like e.g. the binary_sensor.
2024-10-22 17:42:50,951 - services.homeAssistantWS - 54 - INFO - Home Assistant WebSocket Connection Closed. Code: 1006 Reason Going away
2024-10-22 17:42:53,926 - werkzeug - 225 - INFO - - - [22/Oct/2024 17:42:53] "GET /api/35a3db8c8fe811efb17a525400b2c546/config/swupdate2 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
2024-10-22 17:42:53,930 - werkzeug - 225 - INFO - - - [22/Oct/2024 17:42:53] "GET /api/35a3db8c8fe811efb17a525400b2c546/groups/0 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
2024-10-22 17:42:59,087 - werkzeug - 225 - INFO - - - [22/Oct/2024 17:42:59] "GET /api/35a3db8c8fe811efb17a525400b2c546/config/swupdate2 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
2024-10-22 17:42:59,091 - werkzeug - 225 - INFO - - - [22/Oct/2024 17:42:59] "GET /api/35a3db8c8fe811efb17a525400b2c546/groups/0 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
2024-10-22 17:43:01,626 - services.stateFetch - 12 - INFO - start lights sync
2024-10-22 17:43:01,626 - services.homeAssistantWS - 238 - WARNING - Home Assistant Web Socket Client disconnected trying to (re)connect
2024-10-22 17:43:01,630 - services.homeAssistantWS - 51 - INFO - Home Assistant WebSocket Connection Opened
2024-10-22 17:43:01,631 - services.homeAssistantWS - 245 - INFO - Home Assistant Web Socket Client connected
2024-10-22 17:43:01,634 - services.homeAssistantWS - 81 - INFO - Home Assistant Web Socket Authorisation required
2024-10-22 17:43:01,636 - services.homeAssistantWS - 93 - INFO - Home Assistant Web Socket Authorisation complete
{"entity_id":"binary_sensor.mycontrol_motionsensor","state":"unavailable","attributes":{"device_class":"motion","friendly_name":"MyControl Motionsensor"},"last_changed":"2024-10-22T03:59:15.796605+00:00","last_reported":"2024-10-22T03:59:15.796605+00:00","last_updated":"2024-10-22T03:59:15.796605+00:00","context":{"id":"01JAS621AMEZT9Z6B3N8YDZ20V","parent_id":null,"user_id":null}}
2024-10-22 17:43:01,760 - services.homeAssistantWS - 166 - INFO - Found switch.fritz_dect_210_1
2024-10-22 17:43:01,763 - services.homeAssistantWS - 166 - INFO - Found light.licht_decke_hue_level_light_color_on_off
if you join us on slack you find Marius Motea(the mastermind of diyhue) and me there, you can send it in a direct message to him and me.https://diyhue.slack.com/