Can´t Link "Hue-Bridge" with official App - Linkbutton not working

New DIYhue user here. Also experiencing all of the aforementioned issues (mainly the LINK button not working with the official Hue app, despite easily linking to third party programs).

Are there any estimates on if/when this would be resolved? Thanks for your help!

I am also experiencing the issue where the hue bridge is found but the link button does not seem to do anything and the bridge never links with the iOS app. Note this is also happening with the windows “Hue Sync” program.

UPDATE - I scrapped the home assistant addon and installed this on a pi where I could use the ports the documentation described. I was able to link to the bridge on both iOS and the Hue Sync windows program but I cannot do anything because the iOS app is telling me there is a mandatory update needed for the bridge but it obviously cannot update it.

UPDATE - Changed firmware version in diyHue to match the latest and it didn’t throw that error but it immediately said it couldn’t find a bridge after I clicked the Link App button.

Is this still an issue for everyone? I’m seeing the same problem.

if I manually give the Hue app the ip address of diyHUE, then it sees the bridge and connects, but then immediately says it’s not available.

If I skip adding a Hue account, then I AM able to get past this screen.

Hi, im new sorry (and sorry for my english :/)
i dont know if its the same but i cant link on “hue essentiels”, i can find all my light, but i cant link to an app; home assistant see the new bridge, but cant link neither
ive already try with a docker installation on a raspberry and with the home assistant addon… same result.
I dont know what to do, if somebody can help me… im lost