Home assistant on mini pc VM
I had diyhue installed a week ago but after messing around with cheap aliexpress lights I ended up with a messy integration with all my lights duplicated 4 to 6 times. I thought I’d do a fresh install but I am gettting errors now when try to install the addon again.
When I try to install the addon I get this:
Failed to install add-on
The command ‘/bin/bash -o pipefail -c curl -J -L -o $diyhue.tar.gz “https://github.com/diyhue/diyHue/archive/refs/heads/master.tar.gz” && tar xzvf $diyhue.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C diyhue && rm -rf $diyhue.tar.gz && pip3 install -r /diyhue/requirements.txt --no-cache-dir’ returned a non-zero code: 1
Looking at the log I get this:
Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio
Source: components/hassio/websocket_api.py:138
Integration: Home Assistant Supervisor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 7:33:23 AM (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:34:28 AM
Failed to to call /addons/c863ef44_diyhue/install - The command ‘/bin/bash -o pipefail -c curl -J -L -o $diyhue.tar.gz “https://github.com/diyhue/diyHue/archive/refs/heads/master.tar.gz” && tar xzvf $diyhue.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C diyhue && rm -rf $diyhue.tar.gz && pip3 install -r /diyhue/requirements.txt --no-cache-dir’ returned a non-zero code: 1
My ha details are:
- Core2024.2.1
- Supervisor2024.01.1
- Operating System11.5
- Frontend20240207.1
The only way I can solve this that I know off is use a backup I made before installing diyhue addon for teh first time, but this means that I’ll have to re add 10 zigbee bulbs and repair with ikea remote… set blueprints, config node red ect… so if anyone clever enought to point me to the right direction to fix this, please let me know.