Diyhue pairing not working

I have setup the Docker container and have tried several networking methods which all do not work. My goal is to connect diyHue to my Philips TV and make Ambilight work with my other Zigbee bulbs.

  1. Since I’m running it on my homelab server, the ports 80, 443 are already being used so I reverse proxied it (with the correct certificate) and the networking mode was set to bridge, environment variable for IP and MAC were set too. The iOS App could find it when IP was sent manually, my TV could too. When it was time to pair and I clicked the link button on the web ui, I was stuck at the pairing process.
  2. I assumed that something with the reverse proxy was broken and set up the container with ipvlan, so I assume that it got full network and port capabilities. I was stuck at the same step sadly.

Can anyone help?

I found out why the pairing did not work. It was because of the incorrect timezone settings and thus, the pairing used incorrect timestamps.
What I did not find out is why only some HA lamps are exposed to my Ambilight as Hue bulbs, they don’t change no matter what I set them to in the diyhue UI.

Hi, so the only problem you have now is that lights are not exposed like they should?
Did you set the right kind on lights in the webui?
If you change the light type it is not saved in the config, so if you restart diyhue the changes are gone.
The fix this after you made changes go to diyhue>bridge>bridge control>force config dump>diyhue local.
I Do not have Z2M but from what i hear from other users Z2H does not have a high refresh rate so keep that in mind.