Start Ambilight with Samsung TV, need help!

Hello Guys,

i will build Ambilight on my Samsung TV. He can run the Hue Sync App. So what i have done yet.

Flashed the wemos d1 mini with generic, i setup the amount of LED’s and the Segments. (WS2812B Strip)

I add this in DIYHUE Bridge.

Then i create a Room “Wohnzimmer” and a Zone “Fernseher”. I add the Hue Light Strip to the room/Zone. I have add a Entertainment Area and choose the strip. What now ? When i go to Entertainment, the only thing i see, create a Entertainment Area.

What is the next step ? What should i do ?

Greet’s D3ltoro

Thats what it looks like in the DIYHUE Bridge.

So this is what it Looks like in the App.

Is this right ? That are my 10 Segments from the FW Setup.

Have you found a solution yet?

No Sorry, it will not work, he did not save the entertainment area.

So what are you doing now? Im planning on buying a Samsung TV specifically for that purpose… It sucks that you can’t find any information regarding Samsung TV + Diy Hue or any ambilight project in combination with diyhue at all!

For now i will try to become Ambilight with Hyperion, Splitter and Grabber. On my pc it works very good.
Its so flexible, you can build tons of one bulbs and strips. You can manage this all.

Have have it done with the hue essential app to create a entertainment area, that was fine. Then i would buy the hue sync app on my tv. I have talk to the samsung support and he tells me that phillip has chancle the support of my tv model, its the new one from last year. also the c line of QN Series was no longer supported through phillips. so i decided to chancel the setup with diyhue and try another one. Fuck off Phillips, 130 € for an app, and then this.

When you dont have a tv yet look for lg and piccap. You can root your LG TV and install directly grabbing SW on the TV and use Hyperion to control the wled wemos and strips.