Philips and Niko switches. Zigbee?

Hi guys,

I just installed diyHue on my raspberry pi 2B. I was using ikea bulbs with original hue bridge but I can’t use entertainement and power on behaviour.

Now, my ikea bulbs are paired in HA with ZHA and I can manage power on behaviour in HA and diyHue imported my lights. I want to use my bulbs in ZHA to improve my zigbee network with all my other zigbee device.

I have Niko Dimmer Switch (friends of hue) , Tap Dial Switch and wall switch from Philips. Do these devices work correctly with diyHue ? Should I buy a Conbee 2 to import these devices in diyHue or is there an other way to do that ? I’m ok with a second zigbee network just for the switches but I would like my bulbs stay on the original ZHA network to improve the home network…

Could you help me ? I’m beginner :smiling_face::smiling_face: